Getting Started with R & RStudio
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Getting started
These tutorials will be done in R using RStudio as a front end. You will need to either download R and RStudio (both are free) onto your own computer or use them on Pomona’s server.
- You may use R on the Pomona server: (All Pomona students will be able to log in immediately. Non-Pomona students need to go to ITS at Pomona to get Pomona login credentials.)
- If you want to use R on your own machine, you may. Please make sure all components are updated: R is freely available at and is already installed on college computers. Additionally, installing R Studio is required
- is one way to walk through learning the basics of R.
- All assignments should be turned in using R Markdown compiled to pdf.
1.2 Reproducibility
1.2.1 The reproducible data analysis process
- Scriptability \(\rightarrow\) R
- Literate programming \(\rightarrow\) R Markdown
- Version control \(\rightarrow\) Git / GitHub
Scripting and literate programming
Donald Knuth “Literate Programming” (1983)
Let us change our traditional attitude to the construction of programs: Instead of imagining that our main task is to instruct a computer- what to do, let us concentrate rather on explaining to human beings- what we want a computer to do.
- The ideas of literate programming have been around for many years!
- and tools for putting them to practice have also been around
- but they have never been as accessible as the current tools
Reproducibility checklist
- Are the tables and figures reproducible from the code and data?
- Does the code actually do what you think it does?
- In addition to what was done, is it clear why it was done? (e.g., how were parameter settings chosen?)
- Can the code be used for other data?
- Can you extend the code to do other things?
Tools: R & R Studio
See this great video (less than 2 min) on a reproducible workflow:
- You must use both R and RStudio software programs
- R does the programming
- R Studio brings everything together
- You may use Pomona’s server:
1.3 reprex
Help me help you
In order to create a repr
oducible ex
ample …
Step 1. Copy code onto the clipboard
Step 2. Type reprex()
into the Console
Step 3. Look at the Viewer to the right. Copy the Viewer output into GitHub, Piazza, an email, stackexchange, etc.
Some places to learn more about reprex
- A blog about it:
- The
vignette: reprex
dos and donts: Jenny Bryan webinar on
: “Help me help you. Creating reproducible examples” reprex
jan31 + months(0:11) + days(31)
multiple lines of code:
jan31 <- ymd("2013-01-31")
jan31 + months(0:11) + days(31)
jan31 <- ymd("2013-01-31")
jan31 + months(0:11) + days(31)